New Year’s Horse


He is the same size as Fleur!! 7′ x9′ , in a jumping position, looking like he is jumping into the front doors into the lobby of Centenary’s Equine Center (Probably to visit Fleur!!).

I made him the same way I made Fleur!!, making a basic frame and then wrapping it with chicken wire to form it into a horse shape. I didn’t cover the horse totally  in the cedar greens, just the legs, and head here in my studio . I also put the mane and tail on (spray painting them gold!). Otherwise, it would have been way too heavy to lift up into our horse trailer !
It took several trips to the  Centenary, and a lot of cedars branches to finish him. I  tacked up my Haflinger pony, Bellie, and we  hauled  the cedars in from our forests to complete this project. I have been hauling cut cedars with my ponies ever since I was little for our Christmas trees!

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